White papers and blueprints
More clients are starting to share their expertise in carefully-crafted 'how we work' pieces, to show what sets them apart from their competitors.
Others choose to share their nous in a white paper, by addressing an industry issue: such as Caraniche at Work who published a family violence report to draw attention to the impact of family violence in the workplace. These deliberate, thoughtful pieces are designed to capture and share a company's unique expertise and perspective on the industry. |
Forge Works is an industry leader in safety. In 2020, I worked with the team to develop The Forge Works Map®, an evidence-based blueprint that sets out the trade-marked methodology they've developed to make work safer. You can download a copy here.
Liveability Victoria International (LVI) promotes Victorian-based talent and ingenuity overseas. In 2019/20, I captured the breadth of their work in Sharing Victoria's Expertise with the World, a DELWP government publication. You can download a copy here.
Prior to COVID-19, Urbis experts were already building a methodology to predict how Australian cities might fare against our global competitors. Together we developed Creating Cities Fit for the Future, a post-pandemic glimmer of hope. You can download a copy here.